Saturday, August 11, 2012

Under the Sink Organization

Alright people, let’s talk about an area of the house that we usually don’t want ANYONE to see.
Under the kitchen sink.

It’s where we keep cleaning products, paper towels, yucky rubber gloves, sink stoppers, and pretty much anything else sink- or cleaning-related. Or not.

For me, it became a ‘catch-all’ place.

Here’s how it looked before…


It didn’t help that we’ve had problems with mice (we’ve caught 5 within a couple months), and have actually witnessed them sneaking into the kitchen cabinets. The cabinets are ANCIENT, and the doors do not close well.

Nothing worse than going to get some cleaners out of the cabinet and finding yourself face to face with a mouse.

But I digress.

Perusing Pinterest one day made me realize that not everyone lets the cabinet under the kitchen sink get the better of them… (See this beauty?)

I had an OCD moment.

Why couldn’t mine look like that?

This is my cabinet. These are my cleaning products. My tools for doing the things I need to do around the house.

I pulled everything out and started sorting products. (Who needs three bottles of glass cleaner? I hardly ever wash windows!) Down-sized to things I actually use, and moved things that don’t really need to be under there to another home (like Swiffer dusters and such).

I sorted everything into two “piles” – the most frequently used items in one, and the rarely used in another.

Then I cleaned out the cabinet as best I could (ripping out some of the nasty shelf liner) and re-lined the base of the cabinet.

I used some of the same baskets that I’d bought at the Dollar Tree for my pantry, and also re-used my bucket and a small green basket I had before. I hung a tension rod to put things like rubber gloves and spray bottles (although I haven’t hung much on it yet).

And here’s the final result:

It only takes a short time, but the result is amazing! Now I want to clean everything, just so I can use my awesome organized space… 

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